Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I watched an interview of Tony Robbins yesterday. I did not know him before. But the interview showed me that he is truly a remarkable person. The biography at the beginning mentioned that he works in the field of leadership psychology, organizational turnaround and peak performance. He also has a non-profit foundation which aim is humanitarian. Tony Robbins thinks that everybody has a different personality, culture, value, but we have the same human needs and our nervous system functions the same way. According to him, the state of mind in which you constantly impress yourself must be triggered. Indeed, the more you make things that impress yourself, the more you will have a better self-esteem.
Another important point of the interview was depression. Why people are depressed? Tony Robbins revealed that when your life doesn’t match your expectations, you are going to be in pain. Most of people are depressed because their life condition doesn’t match with how they think it should be. For example, he worked with a women who always has believed that she would have three perfect children. In reality, she is 61 years old, she has been married twice, and she never had children. This is the real problem and the cause of her depression. Her co-expectation can’t be met. So she has to change that blueprint, that belief, because it could never be fulfilled. So the solution to the depression in this context is to change the condition of your life and to make your blueprint match with reality. In this respect, you would be able to enjoy your life again.


Amin said...

Nice observation.

Abdulmohsen's said...


You have good analysis skills

HaVe FuN

Rebeca said...

Hi Hadiza,
That's very interesting. The more we are impressed and involved by life, better is our self-steem. That's true.

Rebeca said...

thanks for our good grades! You're an amazing and smart girl!

Sam said...

It's good for you can hear it, I just can understand litte of what they talk```

MIXER said...

mm nice ...but i dont know why u guys like to write long posts