Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Friendship never ends...

I miss my best friends! Sara, Aissata, Denise. They all live in France. We know each other for about 8 years now. We grew up together. True and sincere friendship is rare, and I found it in them. We were all in Niger, in the only french high school of the capital city, Niamey. Then denise moved first in Mali, and then in Paris. I was the second to move in Paris. Then, sara and aissata moved in Toulouse in france. We shared the experiences of leaving our country and our family, and it was easier for us because we supported each other.


Hadline said...

I was watching tv and I saw the title of a song "friendship never ends". So I used the same title for my paragraph, to talk about my friends.

Li said...

is that a french song? france...i keep thinking why don;t u go to montreal? cause there you don't have to learn english

Hadline said...

To Li: I think that bilingualism is important when you are looking for a good job. As I am seeking a good professional path, I want to speak 2 languages: french+english.When you speak 2 languages you have more opportunities.

Hadline said...

To Li: It is the title of a song from the Spice Girls.I know it is surprising, but I was uninspired and I had to write something on my blog