Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Here I am, starting my blog about explorers late; very late. I think that since a few weeks I lack motivation about the EAP III program. However, I will do my best until the end. Well, back to business: explorers.

People explore new geographical places in order to discover new horizons, new cultures, and new standards. Explorers are curious people because they want to discover the unknown. They are also brave people because exploring other continents and other countries is taking a risk. They do not know exactly what to expect, and what they will find. They may suffer from fatigue, from hunger and from lack of sleep. Famous ancient explorers that I know are Jacques Cartier and Vasco de Gama. I remember that I had a history course in High school in Niger, and the teacher mentioned them. Moreover, there are people who explore the space.
I also think that each person who loves travelling is an explorer in a certain extent. I like travelling, discovering new cultures and new countries. I like airports, passports, planes, packing, unpacking. The perfect job for me would be an airplane pilot. I think that travelling helps people to build a very tolerant and open-minded character. Travelling also allows you to explore yourself and to know where are your limits. Moreover, exploring other countries enables you to discover your priorities and helps you figure out what you really want in your life. Exploring is definitely a rich and profound experience.

1 comment:

Martin said...

I really like the association that you made with your personal life! It's true, explorers need a lot of courage and bravery! I agree totally with u. And by the way, I know Jacques Cartier but the other is unknown to me. So I'm going to explore the internet to know more about him because I am very curious!

:) Martin