Sunday, March 9, 2008


Alexandre Gustave Eiffel is the great mind behind the Eiffel Tower. He was born on December 15, 1832 in Dijon, in France. Gustave Eiffel is considered as a creative genius because he applied innovative ideas to the construction of great buildings, and also because of his avant-garde design of the Eiffel tower, which is considered as a breakthrough in architecture and art.


A/ Gustave Eiffel was an intelligent scholars and finished brilliantly his studies.

- Graduated with degree both in Sciences and Humanity

- Graduated from the Engineering school Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in 1855

B/ Gustave Eiffel’s first job revealed his talent and his creativity, then he started an outstanding career in a business specializing in metal structural work in 1864

- Engineer on a project for a railway bridge, in Bordeaux, France.

Work considered great by critics; complete success

- Built great number of metal structures of all kinds all over the world

- Was renown for precise industrial installations

- Worked on the Porto viaduct over the River Duro in 1876, one of his most outstanding building

- Worked on the Garabit viaduct in 1884

- A mountainous barrier was an obstacle to reach Southern France in the late 1800

- For years, engineers tried to find a solution to the problem

- innovative idea of Eiffel: build a huge wrought-iron arch with a minimal amount of material to create a route


A/ By the end of his projects, Gustave Eiffel was a master of metal structural work, which lead him to the project of the Eiffel Tower

- spent the last thirty years of his life on the project of the Eiffel Tower

- wind resistance experiments

- innovative approach to the problem of wind loads

- studied an innovative solution to give resistance to the tower against wind

- imagined the Eiffel tower’s elegantly curved silhouette

- meteorological observation

B/ The elegantly curved shape of the Eiffel Tower reflects Eiffel’s creativity

- At that time, shape of the tower was impressive

- Eiffel’s purpose: to give impression of strength and beauty by the silhouette of the tower

- People shocked by such avant-garde work

- Shape reveals strong artistic temper

- Similar work never seen before

- Curve of the tower: result of mathematical calculation created by Eiffel

- Created a balance between aspiration to beauty and mathematical constraint

- Creativity help him struggling with natural conditions to build it


Scott Douglas said...

I've been to the Eiffel Tower . . . it was great!

Martin said...

Did you know that the Eiffel Tower symbolize man "power"? Think about the shape... and you'll see that it is unfortunately true :) I studied it in Art History while I was in college.

Metalmaster said...

When I have seen Eifel Tower shining and sparkling in the night
it was beautiful!

Fan (*^__^*) said...

are your class's topic always like this?

I like your blog~~

have a nice day sweet