“The Association of Women Lawyers ("AWL") is an organization committed to promoting the advancement, equality, interests and well being of women in the legal profession”.
Ø the committee was expanded and AWL was launched in June 1999. It was inspired from The Calgary Women Lawyers Association (CWLA) which was launched in the 1960s under the leadership of Mary Hetherington.
Ø The new minister of Human resources Anne McLellan and the Dean of law of the university Dr. Sheilah Martin contributed as guest speakers. They talked about the unique challenges which women lawyers face and shared their own experiences as well as giving encouragement to the new organization.
Ø At its debut, the association received funds from Calgary Law firms
Ø "Lunch and Learn" program twice a year: speaker with expertise is invited. A wide range of topics, such as financial planning, investment strategies, alternative career opportunities and gender issues in the workplace are covered.
Ø Fundraising event in the form of a spring luncheon: celebrity speaker is invited. This year, Madam Justice Louise Arbour, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada delivered a speech. She spoke about "Justice in a Safer World".
Ø Complimentary luncheon event : honour women lawyers admitted to the Calgary Bar in the past year. “It a networking opportunity to the newly admitted women lawyers”.
Ø The AWL Annual General Meeting is held each year in December: occasion to electe new board of directors, review past activities and discuss upcoming events.